In English 214, we have been taught that words that we used are metaphors and that behind those words, has powerful meanings. In my diagnostic essay that was assigned previously in the semester, I wrote that one of my strong beliefs is Freedom of Speech. Through this semester, as we learned about the words we use, we also had the chance to look at invisible narratives and that there's stories behind the stories that are being told. As I look back at my diagnostic essay and the concepts that we learned in class, I learned that the term Freedom of speech that I have believed in has changed overtime.
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech in the dictionary says that it is the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion. In the constitution, the first amendment is free speech. The first amendment protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference; Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief. The Supreme Court interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights.
Freedom of Speech to me
Freedom of Speech in my definition is to be able to say how we feel in that given moment without getting judged by others. Freedom of Speech is being able to talk about social issues that we feel that is unjust or just without the fear of being silenced because people might just stand with you about the issues that are occurring at the moment. Freedom of Speech is communicating our thoughts and comments in our own discourse without negative comments being thrown back because we are talking in our discourse.
The way Freedom of Speech changed
In my personal opinion, the Freedom to speak out and express how you are feeling has changed. After seeing what has happened over the past semester with the Michael Brown protest, as we try to speak out how we feel, we are still constantly getting shut down to be silenced. Though some people are being destructive and vandalizing property, others that don't agree with all the riots that has been taking place, have to understand that as we are trying to speak up and make a change, we are constantly being oppressed and silenced down, resulting into people getting angry and becoming destructive. I feel that we have the right to speak how we feel about issues that are not controversial. If it's small and not very questionable, then we can talk all we want. However if the issue at hand is argumentative like the case of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Oscar Grant, Tamir Rice, and other cases like these, we are limited to speak up, and if we do go out to speak our thoughts and comments about these issues, be prepared to restricted.
i totally agree with you on the fact that Freedom to speak has changed. But in a way history has been repeated so many times which makes me wonder if our Freedom to speak has ever changed? People must act as a whole and not fight violence with violence because that will only create more violence. I thought that you adding the Michael Brown case, Eric Gamer, Oscar Grant, Tamir Rice was really cool to refer to. Nice blog