Monday, December 15, 2014

This Course

When this course is complete I must reflect back to everything that English 214 has given me and helped me gain. This class opened my mind in thinking and helped generate a different field for writing and structure. English is a difficult language to grasp its not like any other subject were one can remember formulas or just simply rules. Overall I can say that fundamentals that I got from this English Course this year has a huge impact on my writing but more on how view things.
I hope we can all agree on the fact that English 214 was completely different from our last English class.  I never had a teacher who let their students write their own syllabus. Which then allowed all the students to grade one another. In my previous English classes I was given a syllabus with all the requirements and what the teacher expects from the students. There was a grading rubric with all the percentages and how much each task was worth.  This class gave the option for students to think and truly do work on their own. One must be hold accountable to all the reading because if someone did not do the reading then in the long run they would be hurting themselves because they would not be able to engage in class discussions. This class opened my mind to blogging and expressing one self.

When I heard this class was going to start blogging I was intimidated because I have never blogged before and this made me scared. But after I started to get field in blogging it became easier and so much fun. I liked that fact that no one in the class knew the identity of each blogger. The blogger let me express my feelings and how I felt about a particular subject without being judged or disrespected. I have gained so much over blogging and the way people think and fight for different beliefs.


This English course got me to think differently but as well to stop judging. One of the most things I got out of this class is the Metaphors that are all around one another and we as people put among us. Discrimination and racism is a huge issue in society. The reason behind that is that everyone is quick to judge that creates ideologies, on the way one particular race is seen and their sexuality. Being a Chicano I want nothing but the best for my family and myself. I would love to get out of the poverty line and succeed in life. These things will create a new beginning and hopefully stop those stereotypes that people but upon Latinos/Chicanos.  This class gave me a total different view in the world. I will use everything I learned in this class from writing white to having an open mind in my carrier path. I am a business’s major and this class taught many things that I can use when dealing with other business associates or general things about attacking different scenarios.

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