Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A fool’s way of keeping weed Illegal

A fool’s way of keeping weed Illegal

I wish all of you could read this article, it’s a joke. It is called The growing acceptance of weed Legalization of Marijuana ignore the link to brain damage by R. Emmet Tyrrell Jr. on the Washington Times. What I did was just look up bias articles on the academic search from the school library website and this is one that popped up. I was laughing the whole time on all the assumptions this guy was making. This one of the most bias essays I have ever read. I am going share with you the invisible narrative in this article and all the ways Tyrrell is bias.

Lets start of with the title The growing acceptance of weed Legalization of Marijuana ignore the link to brain damage. He obviously is bias from the start stating that the growing acceptance of people trying to legalize weed are forgetting the link to brain damage. Where is his proof that it does lead to brain damage? You can tell right off the bat that this article is going to be very opinion based. In his first paragraph Tyrell compares weed and alcohol saying that people got high just to get that high feeling. And that people who drink alcohol do because they enjoy the taste of it. Not all people just want to get that high feeling from weed. So people do because it relives their stress, some need weed because they have a specific medical condition. Tyrell has no facts to prove any of his statements.

It’s funny how he says that marijuana can be a cause of death, but according to https://ncadd.org/in-the-news/155-25-million-alcohol-related-deaths-worldwide-annually, there are 2.5 million alcohol related deaths that occurred in 2013. There are no deaths that primarily state that weed was the cause. Meaning no one has died from being too high but plenty have from alcohol poisoning. He later has the balls to say “Possibly, these findings might bear on Michael Brown's erratic behavior in Ferguson, Mo., before his tragic death. We know that the 6-foot-4, 292-pound teenager was at least on marijuana. We know that 10 minutes before he was shot, he robbed a liquor store of cheap cigars. And at least some of us know that those Swisher Sweet cigars are used as a conduit for ingesting a mixture of PCP and marijuana. My guess is that Brown's senseless death was brought on by what the psychiatrists mentioned above have referred to as psychosis and permanent brain injury.” Tyrell is saying that because Mike Brown had we in his system led him to rob a liquor store thus led to the killing. He has no right to assume this, the cops shot an unarmed teenager, that’s all there is to say.
I found an interesting article on http://www.livescience.com/42738-marijuana-vs-alcohol-health-effects.html saying that "As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life," Obama said during the interview. "I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol." It is awesome that I can bring this into play because the President of the United States used to smoke weed, and saying it’s not as dangerous as alcohol is even better. It shows that even smart men do it or at least have done it. This proves that everything said by Tyrell is completely BS!


  1. I wanted to just laugh on whoever wrote that stupid article, I'm glad you shared this article with people to see how closed minded people are about marijuana. Marijuana does indeed get addicting but it is not as dangerous as cigarettes or alcohol. I know a lot of people who smoke weed everyday but can function like a regular person. I loved your piece on marijuana

  2. I think its great that you found such a biased essay and had more than one evidences to go against it. I really like that you did extra research-- hence the Obama quote. There was a few grammar mistakes, but don't make this blog bad at all. Awesome job!

  3. So then what are the invisible narratives, or the stories we tell, about marijuana that keep us keeping it illegal?

  4. BTW- I like how you wrote in an authentic and personal voice...

  5. Every piece of writing is usually biased just like this blog. Everyone has their own personal opinions about issues. Good piece of marijuana. My thoughts as I read the blog and hearing other marijuana supporters were that only because it is not "as bad" as alcohol does not mean is healthy either. Coming from a person that does not care if it legalizes or not, I feel that instead of giving these type of arguments, marijuana supporters should just be straight up and say "I want to get high without getting in trouble by the police", simple as that.
