Thursday, December 11, 2014

Motivation and Strong Belief

  Reflecting on my diagnostic essay from early in the semester I can honestly say this English 214 has

taught me a lot whether it was discovering and identifying invisible narratives. To actually learning

how to write like myself without trying to feel so academic about what I write in my papers.

Although it is important to learn how to write properly it is very helpful and more comfortable

writing how I like to write. I still the carry the ideology that if you really put your mind and

determination to something you accomplish it no matter how difficult it might seem. This belief is a

lot like life in general, life is hard and you can't just give up on yourself if you want to be someone in

life. It is that strong determination and mindset that will keep you going and won't let you down

unless you let yourself down. I have learned a lot about different metaphors and invisible narratives

that go on in everyday life by being in this class. One way that I always keep on striving is by staying

motivated no matter how stress I might be or how much I may want to quit. I always keep my head

up and keep on going and keep grinding in my academics, because in the end I know it will pay off.

Without a struggle there is not progress, so I know I must struggle in order to get the top. All I can

say to others is that if you stay motivated and keeping up the hard work it will pay off and give you

good results in the long run. You can't let no one stop you from reaching your goals in life no matter

what. Once you accomplish things in life you will feel good, and it makes me feel good every time I

accomplish or complete something I have to or that is hard for me to do. I truly appreciated being in

English 214 this semester, I feel like it really isn't about the standards that one must reach, but the

goals you achieve are the ones that pay off. Something that i will always carry with me from being in

this English 214 is that words are a very powerful tool that one has if you use them wisely and

appropriately in life it can get you far. I believe English is a very important course to have just

because words and writing are much more than they might seem.


  1. I totally agree with you post, I feel that English 214 has taught me to see the stories behind the stories and that the words we use are metaphors and has powerful meanings behind the stories.

  2. Many times people forget that stories that are being told have other stories behind them as well. This is effects the way we speak because many times people do not know that when they are speaking they are speaking in metaphors half the time one speaks. All these metaphors will bring a deeper thought within a story. This post reminded me of a class discussion in class discussing how metaphors are being used and how they have a huge effect on something that is being discussed
