Monday, December 15, 2014

This English course was quite different. Along with those differences came a new lesson, a lesson of learning about myself, my environment, culture, and my own discourse. Also, while learning about my own discourse, I learned about my soon to be future discourse. Unfortunately, my current discourse consists of slang, made up English words/phrases, and inappropriate words (curse words). As well as a whole different language.
    What I’ve learned in English class and that should be valued is not every individuals learns within the same discourse. We, as in students, who attend schools in the United States are taught in a Western type of discourse with the belief that all students will comply and learn at the same rate and the same discourse. However, it doesn’t quite work like that. Each student carries or nurtures their own discourse but are later taught a completely new one.
Furthermore an interesting view was presented in class once and to this day sticks with me, the environment an individual lives or is exposed to reflects the individuals discourse. That really make sense, your discourse is reflected on the environment you're exposed to. For instance, in an urban, inner city type of environment it tends to use slang or any other urban influenced way of speaking. On the contrary urban discourses comes the the traditional or the “ideal” discourse, it typically carries out a completely different discourse, more proper and intellectual compared to others. O, and let’s not forget the most important, the different language discourse, which is the most harsh to encounter.
I feel that I’ve either adapted or improved my own discourse. Leaning more on the improving aspect. But yes, in fact this English course has taught me a lot. Looking back to the first assignment, diagnostic essay, It’s clearly demonstrates that I’ve grown. From my diction to analyzing my quotes more effectively. I guess a piece of work that currently reflects my current writing ability would be the final research paper. There I embarked a whole new way of obtaining information to support my argument. Also I forced myself to understand a whole new discourse, analyzed it, and put it in my own words. Overall I’m grateful to be apart of this new learning experience in English class. I can take home a lot from this class, yet I personally know I got a lot more to learn. 
To sum everything up, this class has taught me how to critically think and analyze. Due to that its change my beliefs about discourses. Ones' own discourse is the most valuable thing they own because it reflects their environment, weather its negative or positive. The subject of discourses really stuck to me because I never thought it existed, and when taught to me, didn’t really thought it mattered. But it does exist and it does matter. I will embrace my own discourse and enhance it, the language I speak, and most importantly my culture. One last thought, this might be irrelevant, but I feel that in order to improve my discourse further it would consist of being open to other discourses and learn from them. Or simply start reading more. Another thing I need to work on, reading more.    

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