Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Diary.

There was a man name James who lived on a planet where there were evil men who ruled the world. These men did anything and everything to get ahead of their competition. They would lie cheat steal whatever they had to do just to be at the top. And when they were at the top there was no one that could take it from them. They would poison the people by telling them this was the way to live but the men at the top knew that this was no way to live at all. But James was different. He knew that this lifestyle everyone sunk into was not the way he wanted to live. He wanted to live a lifestyle where he can be free. Be free to whatever he wanted to do and however he wanted to do it. But others despised of him because it was not regular he was different but weird. Everyone in this world would work for those top evil men. Whatever they were doing it was helping those men stay at the top of the charts. They would go to a school where they would owe money to these men just to learn something new. But the men at the top knew that throwing few thousands that were worth pennies to them would benefit from the amount of interest that would accumulate over the years. But the thing with their education system was that it limited the people of knowledge. The knowledge that they would acquire was basic knowledge of becoming a person they think they wanted to be. The evil men kept certain knowledge from the people because they were afraid that if the people knew what they knew it would make them equal. And with their fortune of money they had they could make sure their knowledge was never let out. But their knowledge was not only hidden behind their money. Behind their money were secrets, secrets about the past and about their past. Their ways of getting to their position they had on this planet was lied about. But in their schools they would make sure people have heard of them and their fathers but made sure the people didn't know the truth. James didn't know their secrets but he knew that they had secrets. He knew that those secrets are the cause of death of innocent people all around this world. Luckily the people were getting a hold of some of their secrets. But the people found that the secrets were hurting them. And this information began to spread throughout the planet. The funny thing is, is how it spread, we can thank the people at the top for making it. They created next big thing which was media that was for the people they let out because they would make so much money off of it. James was aware of a lot of their secrets because of the media and this would later bite the men at the top in the ass. The people gathered together to fight against these men at the top. The men started to get really really scared of the people that came together to fight them, they would lose because there wasn't enough of them to fight. The men at the top acted quickly by creating a machine that could take them away from this planet. So what they did was create this ship that would fly them to another planet. And it would allow the people that could afford to help fund their mission to go with them. But they would also take some people that were on their side that did not have so much money to make sure there would always be people under them. They later created a new home and these men will come together to destroy their old planet with nuclear bombs that have been in the works for years. So they never hear of those people that tried to retaliate again.

This ending is not accurate there could be different ways this story unfolds but from the knowledge I have this can be an option. What this English class has taught me is to be aware of your surroundings and what is really going on in the world. We learned about those who came before us to make change, but i also understand it is our duty to make a change. A change in who leads our country. Although it is a tragedy of the recent deaths of young Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown. I am also thankful for their sacrifices made. It sucks it had to result in their death but what they stood up for is what we are all afraid to do. What they did was create a voice, the voice that states we are living in a country that is ruled by evil people that don't give a shit about it's people. Luckily people are standing up and fighting for what is right all around the world. All i can say is help the cause because this is the making of history. We are fighting for change and what is right for our planet and the more people fighting for change gives us an extra inch in getting it.


  1. I thought i grasped the same from this course, always be aware of your surroundings and what is happening in the world. Many times people need to stick together to make a change within our planet. We need to fight for our rights and make a change before more life are gone. It is sad to say that the tragic event of Trayvon martin and Mike Brown woke up the world and opened their eyes to see what is happening in today's society. We must stick as whole and fight for our change. I really like this post has alot of deep meaning behind it.

  2. Awesome short story and the way you tied it back to what you learned.I agree with you 100% because the one's "governing" us only care about themselves and their 1%. In order to see change, WE NEED TO BE THE CHANGE. Whether we get involved in protests like the ones going on for Mike Brown or try to get into the system to be a voice for our people.
