Tuesday, September 16, 2014

People who Gain/Lose from the War on Drugs

People who Gain/Lose from the War on Drugs

The war on drugs has been going on for more then 40 years. The drug war has consistently impacted communities of color. There is an easy access to drugs in low-income communities. People of color are more likely to end up in prison the other races. People of color takes up 30 percent of the U.S population and takes up 60 percent of people in prison. There are many people in prison because of a drug charge.
Unfortunately many people lose in the war on drugs. When a dealer is sentenced to 20 years or more in prison for slanging dope they get taken away from their families. So not only does a dealer lose but their families do too.
Many children grow up with the absent of a parent due to the prison system. Many people are fascinated with the idea of making fast money. Selling drugs beats working a minimum waged job because it’s not a lot of money to feed their families. Many people are willing to take a risk of losing their freedom just to raise their families. Once they are sentenced, the prison system begins making money off them.
The prison system benefits from the war on drugs. People are making money off prisoners and they need the prisons to be filled up. The more time a person get the longer they stay in prison so people could get more money. More money is being spent on prisons then families in need and public education. Prisons are growing large due to petty crimes.
People who commit a crime do deserve some type of punishment but a life sentence for an envelope size of methamphetamine is unfair. People make mistakes but how will people get a chance to correct their mistakes if they don’t get a second chance to try over. Shorter sentences for drug crimes can give people time to turn their lives around.
Also it’s unfair that when prisoners come home they still get treated as if they were still in prison. Felons cant live in public housing or apply for certain grants for college, and they also can’t apply for certain jobs due to their condition.
There should be more programs provided for felons when they get out of prison to help them turn their lives around. Many people feel like there’s nothing for them to do but sell drugs because no job wants to hire a felon.
The cycle continues to turn because they end up right back in prison due to the lack of resources. The cycle will stop if people had more access to resources that will help better their lives. The cycle can also stop if shorter sentences were giving to those with a petty crime charge. Many people lose and gain in the war on drugs, and it’s a reality we live in everyday.

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