Friday, September 26, 2014

United Kingdom Losing Unity

Recently put on the upcoming ballot in the United Kingdom is the matter of whether or not Scotland will be a free country. Throughout history Scotland has been used as extra space for Britain. The Scottish people have faced years of discrimination and mistreatment. They have been perceived as the end piece of a loaf of bread, you keep it around but for no good reason. Last year Scotland took one more step closer to becoming their own independent country. A poll was sent out asking peoples opinion on the matter, and with a majority in favor of independence, it sent the matter in motion.
While some outlets, such as The Economist, say, “…Britain would be diminished in every international forum…” Britain will survive just fine without Scotland. Britain is a rather wealthy country that is very self-sufficient, so claims that “…a British exit from the EU…” will occur is just as likely of happening as someone in Florida getting out of a polling station in under two hours. Granted they will have to look for more agricultural land, an issue they will quickly recover from. (
Scotland has run as a fairly independent country. They carry out their own taxes, own government officials, have a steady tourist flow, etc. Britain does support the country a great deal, yet this is because they do not allow Scotland to use their own funds. So after years of being under British rule, they may have some cash hidden under their mattress to hold themselves up. 
Since early August the polls have showed more people in favor of the “No” campaign. A setback, and had many thinking that independence was simply going to be voted out by a landslide. Britain feeling confident, seeing this as just another piece of dust to sweep under the rug in a few months, did not anticipate the results of this past Saturday. The Pro-Independence side gained the lead in a poll conducted by YouGov. (

This is not just an issue that concerned a specific town either. This addresses the older generation, Scotland natives, British born, single parents, etc. Each group carries a different opinion on the matter and many unsure of wether or not they will even cast their own vote. ( What happens September 18th in completely up in the air, but as of right now, Scotland’s independence is within reach.

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