Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Reflections of an English Survivor

So far in class, we have been working on editing our drafts for paper 2, and all I can say is the first part of the paper was the most difficult. Especially the instructions for the paper which highly made no sense whatsoever. However, the other two drafts for this paper seem to be a bit more simplistic rather than complex. For our second draft, we were to convert our disciplinary articles into either a fable like the children's fable The Tortoise and The Hare, a parody, or a rhetorical narrative. Obviously I chose to do fable instead of the other two options because of two things: 1) I  cannot make any text funny, humor is one of the most difficult genres to ever put on paper, and 2) I do not even know what a rhetorical narrative was. Thus, conversion from my article into a fable was the most easiest.

 Ever since I was in kindergarten I have read many children's books like fables, fairy tales, scary stories, mystery, and nursery rhymes. Therefore, I already have had experience and knowledge to make my second draft work. Most fables contain dialogue, a story, sometimes in third-person narrative, characters, and a moral. Yet, I also needed to use the actual article's information to make the conversion work, otherwise you get a story without its connection to the information you have to the article. However, I still did not enjoy working on this assignment as I am a student who does not enjoy the teachings of literature, english, composition, writing, and other themes in the English profession.

Subsequently, we have been learning english terms used in literature that targets people in an ideological manner. Things such as the "invisible narrative" are the assumptions and "stories" that underlie the things we write and think about. As a follow up, we learned other terms related to the invisible narratives such as ideology, stereotype, and norms (short for normalities, I think.) We were introduced to different types of examples for each of these terms like norms with one example such as women are like "mothers", therefore they should behave like "mothers." Since I started to work on the the third part of the paper, I am to find any invisible narratives that are seen in the article and then to reflect upon them.

Other than that, I would have to say that the class is good with great classmates, a teacher who teaches the material with fluency and shows responsibility, and alright work. This still does not mean that I like the class, but  it is not something that I would do again. English by far is still the toughest subject course that I have ever taken, even though I am passing this class with an A does not not change the fact that I continue to struggle in this material. As for students who love the course, I will show them respect for it. All I hope is that I can survive another semester in college without the probabilities of failing any of my courses.


  1. It is a bummer knowing that English isn't one of your favorite subjects. But I am glad that even though you feel as though you are struggling, at the end of the day look at the letter grade and look how much you have overcome within the past 10+ years.

  2. I can relate to you with the fact that English is not a subject that you or I enjoy. I don't personally hate it, I simply feel that is so diverse, which makes it very difficult to please all professors since everyone has a different style of writing. Also, I am sure you will do great in all your classes. Keep up the good work.

  3. I can see where you have this idea, because I too have dealt with this same issue. but I think changing this idea to being more positive will lead you in the right direction.
